Education And Training Center

Bldg 998

45FSS/FSDE: 1020 School Avenue

(321) 494-2072

Hours of Operation


The Patrick SFB Education and Training Center is committed to serving the SLD 45 community and to help meet the educational and vocational needs of our civilians and active duty military personnel and their adult family members.

Organization Workflow E-mail Mailbox: We are here for you! Please feel free to submit any request and questions that you may have to our Organizational Workflow Group Mailbox or message through AFVEC


  • College and Career Counseling
  • Tuition Assistance for Active Duty Military
  • Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Counseling
  • Testing Services
  • GI Bill Benefit Information
  • Commissioning Program Guidance
  • Civilian Developmental Education (CDE)
  • SkillBridge Program Counseling

FSDE Monthly Test Schedule


To schedule any of these types of exams, please contact the Patrick SFB Test Examiner at 321-494-3443/2072; (DSN 854) or request tests through AFVEC.

  • AFCT: Armed Forces Classification Test
  • AFOQT: Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
  • DLAB: Defense Language Aptitude Battery
  • DLPT: Defense Language Proficiency Test
  • EDPT: Electronic Data Processing Test
  • OPI: Oral Proficiency Interview Test
  • TBAS: Test of Basic Aviation Skills (Active Duty Only)
    • TAPAS: Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System
  • WAPS: Weighted Airman Promotion System

COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE AIR FORCE (CCAF) - Process for Ordering Transcripts

CCAFS Transcript home page and instructions


  • Officers: IAW AFI 36-2670, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The Academic Coding Branch (AFIT/ACB) is the only office authorized to update academic records for RegAF, Guard and Reserve Officer’s. AFIT/ACB maintains officer education levels in the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS). Accession agencies and Education & Training Sections (ETS) do not have the capability to perform this update in MilPDS. Please take action to request an official transcript from your academic institution be mailed to the address below:
    • AFT Academic Coding Branch, 2950 Hobson WayWright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765
    • AFIT Phone: (937) 255-6565, Ext 4324
  • Enlisted: IAWAF 36-2670, member must request one of the following from their college/university and provide to the Education Center:
    • An official transcript that includes your degree conferred date, degree level, and degree title. An official transcript must be mailed directly to the education office from your college or hand delivered to the education office in the original sealed envelope. Your college can mail the official transcript to the following address: 45 FSS/FSDE, 1020 School Avenue, Patrick SFB, Florida, 32925 or email:
    • Notification of degree completion on official school letterhead from your college registrar’s office stating your full name, SSN, degree level, degree.

Text: "MilLife SECO" to 468311 and a SECO career coach will contact you.


The My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship Program is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance to eligible military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification or Associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation. Email for scholarship information.


  • College Level Examination Programs (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST): Shorten your college path by participating in CLEP and DSST exams. These two worthwhile testing programs provide test-takers with the opportunity to earn credits toward Community College of the Air Force or undergraduate degree programs that accept them.
  • CLEP/DSST National Test Center: CLEP/DSST Remote Testing



Reserved through AFVEC.

Initial/Refresher tuition assistance held Wednesdays at 1400 in room B4.

*Virtual option available if coordinated in advance.

For classroom reservations email
