Building 1000
Hours of Operation
Any child care question on or off the installation, or fee assistance questions please contact the Community Child Care Coordinator at 321-494-2233 or
The Air Force Services Center Child and Youth Programs is pleased to announce the launch of the Department of the Air Force Child and Youth (DAF CYP) website! This site is intended to provide Airmen, Guardians, and Air Force leaders with timely information on DAF child care and youth programs in addition to current policies, news and events.
The Patrick SFB CDC is an award winning program focused on high quality care and customer service.
The CDC program is certified annually by the Department of Defense and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, a national organization which identifies child care programs of high quality, offering developmentally appropriate care in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment.
The Child Development Program is designed to provide a safe and healthy environment for children, uniquely designed to accommodate each child’s developmental level. The programs are continuously evaluated for quality and compliance with the highest standards. The Patrick SFB Child Development Program is certified by the Department of Defense and is fully accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC).
The activities planned for the children, the way classrooms are organized, the daily schedule, and the way the teachers interact with the children are all designed to accomplish the goals of our curriculum and prepare your child for a successful productive future. Our program participates in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. Meals will be made available to enrolled children at no separate charge “in accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Persons who believe they have been denied equal opportunity for participation may write to the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call Toll-Free: 800 795-3272 or 202 720-6382 (TTY).
The practices of the Air Force Child Development Programs are based on current knowledge of child development and early childhood education. We are responsible for supporting the development of the whole child, meaning all areas of development are considered inter-related and equally important. Our program acknowledges that children learn through active, hands-on involvement with their environment, peers and caring adults. We respect each child’s unique interests, experiences, abilities and needs, thus allowing us to be responsive to and appropriate for each child. Children are valued as individuals, as well part of a group. Likewise, our program respects and supports the ideals, cultures and values of families in their task of nurturing children. We advocate for children, families and the early childhood professionals within our programs.
Families apply for and request child care through for all military-operated child care. Families are prioritized in the system based on status (i.e. active duty military, DoD Civilian, etc.). MCC is a DoD program that makes it easier to find the child and youth care your family needs. Just follow four simple steps!
- Create account
- Search and request care
- Manage my requests
- Update my profile
Section 1793 of Title 10, United States Code, requires that DoD prescribe uniform fee regulations for military child development programs. Fees are to be based on total family income (TFI) and shall apply to all children who attend on a regular basis. Weekly fees range from $56 - $224 per week for eligible patrons and includes a 10% discount for multiple children. DoD contractors and other specified space available patrons, such as retirees, are not eligible to receive child care subsidies and will be required pay the unsubsidized rate of $340 per week per child. Hourly care costs is $8 per hour, per child and includes all meals and snacks.
FULL-DAY CARE/WEEKLY CARE – Designed to meet the needs of eligible working parents with children ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age. HOURLY CARE – Designed to meet the needs of parents requiring short-term child care services on an intermittent basis when slots are available. Parents can make reservations up to two weeks in advance. If space is not available when you call, you will be placed on a waiting list and our staff will notify you if space becomes available.
KINDERSPOT – Is an application to find open weekly child care slots posted by enrolled parents. May use Kinderspot once registered in the Business Management System.
In the event of a waiting list, active duty and civilian employed parents are given higher priority than other groups. A policy has been established to terminate the enrollment of children in families where the spouse is no longer employed or a full- time student. Parents have 60 days from the enrollment date to begin working or going to school to maintain their child's enrollment. A two-week written notice will be given to the parent whose child's slot is needed for a higher priority family.
- Have family profile and on-waitlist for CDC on
- For hourly and offered child care slots, register through Child and Youth Programs Business Automated System (CYP-BMS) upon authorization through the Child Development Center. Items needed for CYPBMS family account:
- LES of all adults working and living in same address
- If spouse or significant other is a student, proof of student status
- Child Immunizations
- Any documentation for food allergy or intolerance or medical diagnosis, additional paperwork may be asked for.
- USDA Child and Adult Food Program Meal Application
When applying for care, registering for a program or currently participating, if a child/youth is identified as having a disability, medical condition or specific need, CYP personnel and FCC providers will work with the family to determine if an Inclusion Action Team (IAT) meeting is needed. The case will be reviewed as soon as possible to ensure environments, accommodations and any training required are in place before the child/youth starts.
Community Based Child Care and/or Fee Assistance programs may be available to assist CONUS Air Force families who do not have access to installation programs through the CHILD AWARE OF AMERICA. For any family needing assistance in locating a community child care program visit the Brevard County Child Care resource and referral program. EARLY LEARNING COALITION.
Parent input and participation is essential to a quality child care program. A committee composed of parents whose children or youth attend Department of the Air Force Child and Youth Programs. The committee acts in an advisory capacity, providing recommendations for improving services. The committee is also responsible for developing the parent involvement plan for Child Development Programs. A parent representative is the chairman of the PAB. Once enrolled please come join us for our quarterly board meetings. Inquire at front desk for more information.
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